Steps to Prevent Foundation Damage


Your home’s foundation is the bedrock of its structural integrity, and proactive measures can go a long way in preventing potential damage. In this blog, we’ll explore practical steps that homeowners can take to safeguard their foundation, including maintaining proper drainage, mindful landscaping, and prompt attention to plumbing issues.

Maintain Proper Drainage

Protecting your home’s foundation from water damage requires proactive measures to manage water flow around your property. Regular gutter and downspout maintenance is crucial, ensuring they are free of debris and directing water away from the foundation. Additionally, proper grading around the home is essential, allowing rainwater to slope away from the foundation and preventing water from pooling near the base. In areas with heavy rainfall, consider installing French drains to effectively divert excess water away from the foundation, further safeguarding its integrity and longevity.

Mindful Landscaping

When landscaping around your home, take care to select plants that won’t pose a threat to your foundation. Planting trees and large shrubs too close to the foundation can lead to foundation settlement issues. 

The extensive root systems of these plants can extract moisture from the soil, causing it to shrink and potentially destabilize the foundation. To minimize this risk, choose plants with less invasive root systems that won’t disrupt the soil structure around the foundation. Consult with a landscaping professional for expert guidance on selecting suitable vegetation that will enhance your landscaping while protecting your home’s structural integrity.

Proactive Plumbing Maintenance

To protect your foundation from water-related damage, it’s essential to maintain your plumbing system and ensure proper drainage. Regularly inspect your pipes and fixtures for leaks, and promptly address any issues to prevent water from saturating the soil around the foundation. 

Additionally, ensure that the ground slopes away from the house, creating a gradient that directs rainwater and runoff away from the foundation. This drainage slope helps prevent water from accumulating near the foundation and minimizes the risk of hydrostatic pressure, which can cause foundation cracks and other damage.

Invest in Foundation Waterproofing

Protecting your foundation from water damage requires a combination of preventative measures and proactive maintenance. Applying waterproofing sealers to the foundation walls creates a protective barrier against water intrusion, reducing the risk of moisture-related foundation issues such as cracks and erosion. 

Additionally, installing exterior drainage systems, such as French drains or a perimeter drain, helps divert water away from the foundation, especially crucial in areas with high water tables. These drainage systems intercept water before it can reach the foundation, preventing saturation and potential damage. By implementing these measures, you can effectively safeguard your foundation and maintain the structural integrity of your home.

Regular Foundation Inspections

Maintaining the integrity of your home’s foundation requires a combination of professional expertise and regular self-inspection. Scheduling regular inspections by a qualified foundation specialist or structural engineer is crucial for early detection of potential issues. These professionals possess the knowledge and experience to identify subtle signs of stress or damage, allowing for timely intervention and preventative measures. 

Additionally, homeowners should conduct periodic self-inspections of the interior and exterior of their homes, checking for signs of foundation stress such as cracks in walls or floors. Promptly addressing any concerns identified during these inspections can help prevent more extensive damage and costly repairs.

Monitor Soil Moisture

When landscaping around your home, exercise caution with watering practices to avoid overwatering near the foundation. Excessive moisture in the soil can cause swelling and contraction, putting stress on the foundation and potentially leading to cracks or settlement. To prevent these issues, it’s crucial to water plants and landscaping areas responsibly. 

Consider using soaker hoses, which deliver a slow, consistent flow of water, to provide adequate moisture without causing rapid changes in soil conditions. By adopting water-wise practices, you can protect your foundation from moisture-related damage and maintain the stability of your home.


Preventing foundation damage is an ongoing effort that involves a combination of proper maintenance, landscaping practices, and vigilant monitoring. By taking these proactive steps, homeowners can significantly reduce the risk of foundation issues and ensure the long-term stability of their homes. Remember, early intervention and a proactive approach are key to preserving the structural integrity of your home’s foundation. Contact Bedrock Foundation Repair today for a free estimate!